Join or Renew with the Phi Beta Kappa Association of the Delaware Valley!
For the Basic annual fee of $25 per a calendar year (multi-year discounts are also offered) and only a $10 annual fee for the first three years after induction, you will join a social and career network of diverse Phi Beta Kappa members living and working in the Delaware Valley area of Southeastern Pennsylvania, South Jersey, and Northern Delaware. You will receive notice for all of our events and social opportunities throughout the year, and you will be welcome to join our Phi Beta Kappa Delaware Valley LinkedIn group.
All Phi Beta Kappa members in the Delaware Valley are eligible to join our association no matter where or when you were inducted. Joining the Association opens doors for you as a member to expand your network, develop friendships, and advocate for the value of the liberal arts and sciences. Please complete the form below to join!
Contact us at info@pbkdelawarevalley.org for any questions or to learn more about our organization.