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Local Phi Beta Kappa Chapters

Haverford College


The Zeta of Pennsylvania Chapter was chartered in 1899, and inducts approximately 30-35 new members per graduating class.  With a proud history, Haverford College PBK graduates go on to great accomplishments. Please contact Dr. Robert Manning,, for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison:  Tali Segal


Princeton University


The Beta of New Jersey Chapter was chartered in 1899.  The Princeton University chapter, open to AB and BSE students, annually presents awards to faculty for excellence in undergraduate teaching, based on skill in instruction, commitment to working with and building relationships with undergraduates, and the ability to spark students' intellectual interests. Please contact Dr. Susan Killian Vanderkam, , for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison:  Heidi Gray-Devita


Rutgers University-Camden


The Alpha of New Jersey Chapter was chartered in 1869, and encompasses both the New Brunswick and Camden campuses of Rutgers University.  Members have been inducted from Rutgers University-Camden since 2010, and embody the Rutgers commitment to the "enlightenment of learning", to lead in communities across New Jersey and beyond. Please contact Dr. Anne Beryl Wallen, ,for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison:  Patricia Kapur


Saint Joseph's University


The Phi of Pennsylvania Chapter was chartered in 2001. The St. Joseph's University chapter is very successful on campus, with high induction rates and involvement in initiatives from the national office such as the Visiting Scholar Program.  Please contact Professor Kristopher R. Tapp, , for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaisons: Regina DeRosa

Swarthmore College


The Epsilon of Pennsylvania Chapter at Swarthmore College was chartered in 1896.  Each year the Chapter awards a one-year fellowship to a new initiate in support of graduate study for the following year.  Please contact Dr. Krista Thomason, for more information. 


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison:  William Howard

Temple University


The Rho of Pennsylvania Chapter was chartered in 1974 at Temple University.  Since then, Phi Beta Kappa maintains strong connections to the school with over 100 faculty members working there.  The Temple Chapter periodically sponsors PBK Visiting Scholars and annually co-sponsors an Economics lecture on the topic of that year's Nobel Prize in Economics. Please contact Mr. Chris Wolfgang, for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison:  Garreth Heidt


The College of New Jersey


The Delta of New Jersey Chapter was chartered in 2007.  The College of New Jersey is very proud of its young PBK chapter, which it considers to reflect the tremendous educational experience offered at TCNJ.  Each year an honored member delivers a notable speech at the annual induction ceremony. Please contact Mr. David Muha, , for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison:  Shea Sandifer

University of Delaware


The Alpha of Delaware Chapter was chartered in 1956.  Since then, Phi Beta Kappa has promoted the highest educational standards at the University of Delaware, and its PBK graduates have gone on to become leaders in a wide variety of endeavors. Please contact Mr. Ray Peters III, for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaisons:  Richard Kiger


University of Pennsylvania


The Delta of Pennsylvania Chapter, chartered in 1892, offers two essay prizes known as the Elmaleh Prize to university students every school year.  The University of Pennsylvania chapter also awards three prizes of $1000 every year to outstanding senior theses.  Please contact Dr. Rebecca Poyourow, , for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison: Geraldine Fish, Heidi Gray-Devita


Ursinus College


The Tau of Pennsylvania Chapter was chartered in 1992. The Ursinus College chapter supports the John Moore Wickersham Sophomore Book Award, given at the spring PBK induction ceremony to the sophomore(s) with the highest GPA after 3 semesters at Ursinus. Please contact Mr. Mark Ellison, , for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison: William Howard


Villanova University


The Sigma of Pennsylvania Chapter was chartered in 1986.  Villanova University's PBK graduates have dedication and commitment to honor the past and lead for the future.  Please contact Dr. Douglas Norton, for more information.


PBK Delaware Valley Assn. Liaison: Brigid Connolly


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               Haverford Founders Hall

              Rutgers Science Center

           SJU Post Learning Center

            Swarthmore Parrish Hall

              Temple Bell Tower

           TCNJ - Green Hall

            U Delaware Memorial Hall

         U Penn College Hall

                Ursinus College

            Villanova University

                Princeton Nassau Hall

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